Riding a Motorcycle in the UK – Dos and Don’ts

Riding a Motorcycle in the UK – Dos and Don’ts. You may think these laws are irrelevant, but knowing and adhering to them will not just save you from fines but will equally save your life and that of other road users. As a motorcyclist in the United Kingdom, it’s essential to know the dos and don’ts according to the law.


  1. Wear a helmet: According to the law, all motorcyclists in the UK must wear a helmet that meets safety standards. A proper helmet can save your life in an accident, so choosing one that fits well and provides adequate protection is important.
  2. Keep your bike well-maintained: Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your bike is safe and roadworthy. Check your brakes, tires, lights, and other components regularly to avoid any potential issues.
  3. Observe speed limits and traffic laws: Speed limits and traffic laws are in place for a reason – to keep everyone safe on the road. Observe them at all times, and never drink and drive.
  4. Wear appropriate clothing: Motorcyclists should wear clothing that provides protection and visibility. Wear reflective gear, and avoid wearing dark colours that can make it difficult for other drivers to see you.
  5. Use your signals: Use your turn signals to let other drivers know where you are going. This can help prevent accidents and keep you and other drivers safe.


  1. Use a mobile phone while riding: Using a mobile phone while riding is illegal and dangerous. It’s important to always keep your hands on the handlebars and your eyes on the road.
  2. Ride without insurance: All motorcyclists in the UK must have insurance. Riding without insurance is not only illegal, but it can also leave you financially responsible for any damages or injuries you cause.
  3. Ride without a valid license: It’s illegal to ride a motorcycle in the UK without a valid licence. Make sure you have the appropriate licence for the type of bike you are riding.
  4. Drink and ride: Never ride a motorcycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is not only illegal, but it can also lead to severe accidents and injuries.
  5. Lane split in heavy traffic: Lane splitting is not illegal in the UK, but it’s essential to do it safely. Only do it when traffic is moving slowly, and be aware of other drivers and pedestrians around you.

In conclusion, knowing and following the dos and don’ts for motorcyclists in the UK can help keep you safe on the road. Remember to wear a helmet, observe speed limits and traffic laws, and use your signals. Avoid using a mobile phone while riding without insurance or a valid licence, drinking and riding, and unsafe lane splitting. Stay safe, and enjoy your ride!